Based on ALITALIA official figures

Length: 201 ft. 5 in. (61.4 mt)
Wing span: 169 ft. 7 in. (51.7 mt)
Height: 58 ft. 1 in. (18 mt)
Max Take-Off Weight: 625,500 lbs (283,700 kg)
Power: 3 GE CF6-80C2 turbofans @61,500 lbs
Fuel Capacity:24,184 USG (91,546 Lt)
Stall: 130 kts Flaps UP Retr
117 kts Flaps full Down

Number of seats: 204-283
Range with full Pax payload: 6,280 Nm (11,630 Km)
Cruising speed: 487 kts (900 Km/h)